Neighborhood Action Plan Summary - Phase II


South Uptown
Plan Funds
Additional NRP Funds
Strategy Name
Phase I
Funds for
Mod #s
1.1.1. Energy Efficient Safety Lighting   $29,513.54 $29,513.54       $29,513.54 $29,513.54 8,9,13
1.1.2. Graffiti Prevention   $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $5,000.00     $16,000.00   1,3,4,13
1.1.3. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design                 4
2.1.1. Organize Block and Apartment Clubs   $6,290.41 $6,290.41       $6,290.41   7,13
2.1.2. Neighborhood Safety Committee   $8,000.00 $8,000.00       $8,000.00 $7,120.00 7,13
2.1.3. Safety and Crime Prevention Seminars                 4
2.1.4. Community Oriented Public Safety Initiative         $19,500.00   $19,500.00    
3.1.1. Residential Exterior Improvement Program (1 - 3 units)   $240,507.02 $240,507.02 $62,000.00   $254,305.90 $556,812.92 $240,507.02 1,3,5,6,9,10,16
3.1.2. Residential Exterior Improvement Program (4 units)                 1,3,5
3.1.3. Garage Improvement Revolving Loan Fund   $80,000.00 $80,000.00 $20,000.00     $100,000.00 $80,000.00 3,11
3.1.4. List of Properties Needing Improvements                  
3.1.5. Cycle of Life Housing   $175,492.98 $175,492.98 $8,614.42   $15,892.60 $200,000.00 $175,492.98 6,14
3.2.1. Energy Audits   $4,196.05 $4,196.05 $2,000.00     $6,196.05 $4,196.05 2,7,13
4.1.1. Install Bike Racks       $5,000.00     $5,000.00   1,12
4.1.2. Install Bike Lockers and Sheltered Racks                 1,3
4.1.3. Improve Bike Routes   $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $7,500.00     $10,000.00   1
4.2.1. Promote HOUR Car                 1,3
4.2.2. Promote Public Transportation                 9
4.3.1. Improve Pedestrian Routes   $1,853.27 $1,853.27       $1,853.27   15
5.1.1. Promote Purchasing from Local Businesses                 1,3
5.1.2. Promote Uptown Market                  
5.2.1. Exterior Business Improvements   $75.00 $75.00       $75.00   7,9
6.1.1. Boulevard Trees and Plantings   $21,500.00 $21,500.00       $21,500.00   15
6.1.2. Public Gardening   $10,000.00 $10,000.00       $10,000.00   9
6.1.3. Alley Beautification   $1,000.00 $1,000.00       $1,000.00   13
7.1.1. Clean Neighborhood Programs   $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $500.00     $3,500.00   3,15
7.1.2. Water Quality   $2,000.00 $2,000.00       $2,000.00    
8.1.1. Neighborhood Livability and Engagement Committee   $30,571.73 $30,571.73     $10,000.00 $40,571.73 $27,208.84 7,9,15,16
9.1.1. Volunteer Opportunities                 9
9.1.2. Southwest Senior Center 2   $8,000.00 $8,000.00       $8,000.00    
10.1.1. Bryant Square Park       $60,000.00     $60,000.00   1,3
11.1.1. Staff and Administrative Support   $1,057.00 $1,057.00 $3,759.87   $244,219.16 $249,036.03 $940.73 1,3,9,10,14
TOTAL  $636,557.00 $636,557.00 $174,374.29 $19,500.00 $524,417.66 $1,354,848.95 $564,979.16  

Phase II Plan Allocation Available in First Three Years (80%)$636,557.00
Phase II Plan Allocation Percentage for Housing89%
Phase II Affordable Housing Reserve Fund $ 
Phase II Community-Oriented Public Safety Initiatives Reserve Fund $$19,500.00
** On March 22, 2004, the NRP Policy Board adopted a policy that requires each neighborhood to limit its Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan obligations to no more than 80% of their neighborhood allocation during the first three years following approval of its Action Plan.

No.Plan Step ModifiedApprovedDescription
1Full Action Plan02/05/11Approval of the Phase II Action Plan reallocates a total of $97,673.82 in Phase I funds to the following strategies: (1) $10,000 to Graffiti Prevention (Crime and Safety 1.1.2.); (2) $2,000 to Residential Exterior Improvement Program (1-3 units) (Housing 3.1.1.); (3) $2,000 to Residential Exterior Improvement Program (4+ units) (Housing 3.1.2.); (4) $5,000 to Install Bike Racks (Transportation 4.1.1.); (5) $20,000 to Install Bike Lockers and Sheltered Racks (Transportation 4.1.2.); (6) $7,500 to Improve Bike Routes (Transportation 4.1.3.); (7) $5,000 to Promote HOUR Car (Transportation 4.2.1.); (8) $4,500 to Promote Purchasing from Local Businesses (Economic Development 5.1.1.); (9) $30,000 to Bryant Square Park (Park 10.1.1.); and (10) $11,673.82 to Staff and Administrative Support (Implementation 11.1.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #13 and Phase II Plan Modification #1.)
2Full Action Plan04/27/11The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $2,000 in Phase I funds to Phase II strategy, Energy Audits(Housing 3.2.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #14 and Phase II Plan Modification #2.)
3Full Action Plan04/04/13The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate a total of $108,500 of Phase I funds to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $29,000 to Residential Exterior Improvement Program (1 -3 Units) (Housing 3.1.1.); (2) $29,000 to Residential Exterior Improvement Program (4+ units) (Housing 3.1.2.); (3) $20,000 to Garage Improvement Revolving Loan Fund (Housing 3.1.3.); (4) $500 to Clean Neighborhood Programs (Community Building and Beautification 7.1.1.); and (5) $30,000 to Bryant Square Park (Park 10.1.1.). The modification also reallocates Phase I funds previously reallocated to Phase II strategies. The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $5,000 in Phase I Rollover from Graffiti Prevention (Crime and Safety 1.1.2.): (2) $20,000 in Phase I Rollover from Install Bike Lockers and Sheltered Racks (Transportation 4.1.2.); (3) $5,000 in Phase I Rollover from Promote HOUR Car (Transportation 4.2.1.); (4) $4,500 in Phase I Rollover from Promote Purchasing from Local Businesses (Economic Development 5.1.1.); and (6) $7,913.95 in Phase I Rollover from Staff and Administrative Support (Implementation 11.1.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #15 and Phase II Plan Modification #3.) The modification also reallocates $500 from Promote Purchasing from Local Businesses (Economic Development 5.1.1.) to Clean Neighborhood Programs (Community Building and Beautification 7.1.1.).
4Full Action Plan03/31/14The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $2,000 to Graffiti Prevention (Crime and Safety 1.1.2.). The funds reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $1,000 from Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (Crime and Safety 1.1.3.), and (2) $1,000 from Safety and Crime Prevention Seminars (Crime and Safety 2.1.3.).
5Full Action Plan05/07/15The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $31,000 of Phase I Rollover funds from Residential Exterior Improvement Program (4+ units) (Housing 3.1.2.) to Residential Exterior Improvement Program (1 -3 Units) (Housing 3.1.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #16 and Phase II Plan Modification #5.) the modification also reallocates $208,000 from Residential Exterior Improvement Program (4+ Units) (Housing 3.1.2.) to Residential Exterior Improvement Program (1 -3 Units) (Housing 3.1.1.). The modification also revises wording of Residential Exterior Improvement Program (1 -3 Units) (Housing 3.1.1.) to include properties of ten or fewer units.
6Full Action Plan08/26/16The NCR Director approved a plan modification to roll forward Phase I strategy, 'Cycle of Life' Housing into the Phase II Plan (Housing 3.1.5.) and reallocate $8,614.42 in Phase I funds to this strategy. (This is Phase I Plan Modification #17 and Phase II Plan Modification #6.) The modification also reallocates a total of $191,385.58 ($175,492.98 in Action Plan funds and $15,892.60 in Program Income) from Residential Exterior Improvement Program (Housing 3.1.1.) to "Cycle of Life" Housing (Housing 3.1.5.).
7Full Action Plan03/16/17The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate funds from the following strategies: (1) $10,000 from Neighborhood Safety Committee (Crime and Safety 2.1.2.); and (2) $5,000 from Exterior Business Improvements (Economic Development 5.2.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $5,000 to Organize Block and Apartment Clubs (Crime and Safety 2.1.1.); (2) $5,000 to Energy Audits (Housing 3.2.1.); and (3) $5,000 to Neighborhood Livability and Engagement Committee (Community Building and Beautification 8.1.1.). The modification also revises the wording for Exterior Business Improvements (Economic Development 5.2.1.) to broaden the area in which funds can be used.
8Full Action Plan03/09/18The NCR Director approved a plan modification to revise the wording of Energy Efficient Safety Lighting (Crime and Safety 1.1.1.) to include security improvements.
9Full Action Plan10/19/18The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate funds from the following strategies: (1) $26,966.66 in Program Income from Residential Exterior Improvement Program (1 -3 units) (Housing 3.1.1.); (2) $10,000 from Promote Public Transportation (Transportation 4.2.2.); (3) $9,925 from Exterior Business Improvements (Economic Development 5.2.1.); and (4) $500 from Volunteer Opportunities (Seniors 9.1.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $5,000 to Energy Efficient Safety Lighting (Crime and Safety 1.1.1.); (2) $5,000 to Public Gardening (Community Building and Beautification 6.1.2.); (3) $10,425 to Neighborhood Livability and Engagement Committee (Community Building and Beautification 8.1.1.); and (4) $26,966.66 in Program Income to Staff and Administrative Support (Implementation 11.1.1.).
10Full Action Plan11/18/19The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $30,000 in Program Income from Residential Exterior Improvement Program (1 -3 units) (Housing 3.1.1.) to Staff and Administrative Support (Implementation 11.1.1.).
11Full Action Plan04/29/20The NCR Director approved a plan modification to revise the wording of Garage Improvement Revolving Loan Fund (Housing 3.1.3.) to allow additional home improvements as eligible uses of these funds.
12Full Action Plan11/15/21The NCR Acting Director approved a plan modification to revise the wording of Install Bike Racks (Transportation 4.1.1.) to allow bicycle safety equipment and public fix-it stations as eligible uses of these funds.
13Full Action Plan03/29/22The Interim NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate funds from the following strategies: (1) $3,709.59 from Organize Block and Apartment Clubs (Crime and Safety 2.1.1.); (2) $2,000 from Neighborhood Safety Committee (Crime and Safety 2.1.2.); (3) $3,803.95 from Energy Audits (Housing 3.2.1.); and (4) $9,000 from Alley Beautification (Community Building and Beautification 6.1.3.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $9,513.54 to Energy Efficient Safety Lighting (Crime and Safety 1.1.1.); and (2) $9,000 to Graffiti Prevention (Crime and Safety 1.1.2.).
14Full Action Plan08/26/22The NCR Interim Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $187,252.50 in Program Income from "Cycle of Life" Housing (Housing 3.1.5.) to Staff and Administrative Support (Implementation 11.1.1.).
15Full Action Plan01/30/23The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $8,146.73 from Improve Pedestrian Routes (Transportation 4.3.1.) to the following strategies: (1) $1,500 to Boulevard Trees and Plantings (Community Building and Beautification 6.1.1.); (2) $1,500 to Clean Neighborhood Programs (Community Building and Beautification 7.1.1.); and (3) $5,146.73 to Neighborhood Livability and Engagement Committee (Community Building and Beautification 8.1.1.).
16Full Action Plan03/20/24The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $10,000 in Program Income from Residential Exterior Improvement Program (1-3 units) (Housing 3.1.1.) to Neighborhood Livability and Engagement Committee (Community Building and Beautification 8.1.1.). The plan modification also revises the wording of Neighborhood Livability and Engagement Committee (Community Building and Beautification 8.1.1.) to include renter engagement activities.

South Uptown Neighborhood Action Plan Summary (SU-7 P2) run on 07/22/2024 at 4:14 AM